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  • Writer's pictureSteve Johnson

3 Keys to Meet and Exceed Next Years Sales Numbers

Scaling Sales For Founders & CEOs

September 2021

Thank you for subscribing to the Scaling Sales Newsletter!

Every month I send you three ideas on strategy and tactics that you can use to find and win more customers and lead your revenue team.

"We overestimate what we can accomplish in 1 year and underestimate what we can accomplish in 10 years." --Bill Gates

1. What to Think About This Week

As September comes to a close upon us most of us are thinking about Q4 and selling through the end of the year.

To appropriate from Bill Gates, often we're over-optimistic about what we can do in a month or quarter but discount what we can accomplish in a year or two.

Having tunnel vision locked only closing deals in the last 3 months of the year will hurt your chances of having a blow out 2022.

Taking into consideration sales and hiring cycles, think carefully about the prospects and people to have a successful 2022 and when you need them in place, ready to go.

Document this in your sales plan.

2. What to Do This Month - Tactics

Salespeople, Founders who sell & Solopreneurs

Decision makers and prospects are back from summer. Business is waking up and picking up!

Focus on your final deals that you can bring in this quarter and allocate extra time to build your end-of-year pipeline.

In 8 weeks people will start to be distracted by the holidays. Aim to have a full pipeline with a buffer so you have enough opportunities to win deals by the end of the year.

Sales Leaders

I wrote a post just for you . . .

Action Plan

Start planning for the prospects and people you'll need to make your numbers in 2022.

Prepare to start hiring people and generating leads in October for Q1 & Q2 next year.

3. What to Do This Quarter - Strategy

Sales Leaders

The quarter is over this month.

Support your team to close any final deals they can.

Build pipeline before the holiday season.

Good luck! Push hard. Finish the quarter strong!

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