Scaling Sales For Founders & CEOs
August 2021
Thank you for subscribing to the Scaling Sales Newsletter!
Every month I send you three ideas on strategy and tactics that you can use to find and win more customers and lead your revenue team.
Running to Stand Still
1. What to Think About This Week
Conventional sales wisdom says that August is a slow month because buyers are squeezing in their vacations before Labor Day.
Sadly this is often true.
I've shared it before but here are 7 Steps to Accelerate Sales this month. (next year I'll send you a reminder in May to build extra pipeline for August 2022!)
Are you on track to make your numbers this month?
If so, congratulations!
If not, who are your top 3 deals that could get you there?
Need help jumpstarting August or advancing a deal? Contact me.We'll find 15 minutes and run your problem to ground!
2. What to Do This Month - Tactics
Salespeople, Founders who sell & Solopreneurs
It's summer. Relax . . .
While your competition is mentally out water skiing at the lake you can be gaining ground and advancing deals.
September is coming quickly - you have about six weeks until the end of the quarter.
Action Plan
Based on your average sales cycle, segment your deals into those that will could close this quarter and those that won't until Q4.
Prioritize appropriately and focus on the deals you can close in the next six weeks.
Sales Leaders
You have about 6 working weeks or so to go before the end of the quarter. Make sure you and your team are focusing on live deals that could close.
Stop wasting time on deals that linger at the expense of good deals.
Action Plan
Identify the "Zombie" deals in your pipeline.
These are the walking dead that month-over-month slip into the next quarter without real progress.
If the deal is not advancing, put it into a nurture category and work on re-activating it.
Don't let Zombie deals clog your pipeline and forecast!
3. What to Do This Quarter - Strategy
Sales Leaders
The work you start in August can make or break your year.
Do your analysis and determine if you're on track to make your revenue goals this year.
How much cushion do you need to guarantee you'll make your numbers?
Start your team's lead generation and prospecting activities now to fill the pipeline for Q4.
Good luck! Push hard. Finish the quarter strong!